Meet a Member of the MGE Team!

Last updated on March 27th, 2019 at 11:04 am

“My job to me, if defined, wouldn’t be called ‘a job’ but more like ‘a game’. It’s a game that I play well at and seem to always win! Before working at MGE, I never thought that I could say I love this thing called ‘my job.’ But 6 years later, I say it all the time. Prior to coming to MGE, I was working in what I considered to be a dead-end job, with no real future and limited room for advancement. I wanted a new life, a new start at something that I could happy doing long-term. I wanted to be important and make use of my full capabilities. I started out at MGE as the receptionist in 2011. I learned that MGE would invest in me as a staff member and as an individual. I got to experience the training myself to become a more valuable part of this team. And just to be clear – this isn’t just a few hours of training on how to do my job a little better. As an MGE Employee I have the ability to take the entire curriculum of MGE training – hundreds of hours of courses on subjects ranging from communication, to management and leadership. As a training company, we expect that we do what we teach! So, yes MGE employees TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN! After 3 months on reception, I moved up to Course Administrator, and 6 months after that I started training to be a Courseroom Supervisor.

I have been a successful Couse Supervisor for three years and am now the Lead Practical Supervisor; an executive with people working under me! The opportunities are endless here and I don’t plan to leave my career where I am now – the sky is the limit, and MGE is all about moving up. Your only limitation is you. If you’re productive, willing to take added responsibility and show initiative, there’s really no ceiling!

The most important thing to me is having the ability to change a client’s lives for the better. These doctors and their staff travel many miles to come to MGE and learn how to run their businesses more effectively. It doesn’t take long into their program before we hear them telling us they are hitting highest ever statistics in Production, Collections and New Patients – and they are now organized, their life less stressed, they have more time for themselves and their family, and their practices are easily managed. What a great feeling when they come here, look at me and give me a huge hug and a big thanks for helping them create this new enjoyable, low-stress environment. It honestly feels like the clients and my co-workers have become my extended family! This is what ultimately motivates me to come to work every day ready for the challenge in the game! In the end, we are ALL winning!”

– Carly Rush, Lead Practical Supervisor